Rethinking Change: Taking a Human-Centered Approach to
Organizational Transformation
Facilitated by Jenna Smith, ThinkFree Consulting
Everything has changed: employee expectations, how we work, technology and marketplace disruption, and even the rate and pace of change - have changed. The only thing that hasn’t changed is how most organizations approach transformation, and it’s evident over 70% of organizations that attempt to transform fail, causing burnout, attrition, and slow growth. In this new era, that’s a recipe for disaster. A new, human-centered approach is not only needed but required to survive and thrive.
This session will focus on new approaches for organizations to use when leading change while decreasing burnout, engaging your team, and allowing your transformation to be successful.
Jenna Smith is a Leadership & Organizational Transformation Consultant who helps leaders rethink their organizations and align their teams to transform using a people-first approach. With over a decade of experience leading large-scale change efforts, Jenna realized something was missing. While leaders could get the best strategy and communicate it, changes still often fell flat because the human element of change is often left out in favor of focusing on data, deadlines, and deliverables. In response, Jenna created the human-centered change model which leans on an entrepreneurial, agile approach that creates a higher adoption of change and boosts engagement in the process.
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