Leading/Collaborating Virtually
~ facilitated by Amy Buscher, Travel & Transport
Virtual teams have become a fact of business life. Virtual teams bring a number of benefits including the opportunity to tap into an expansive pool of talent. On the downside, virtual teams can be plagued by a number of challenges including expectations and communication styles. Therefore, the rules that apply to face-to-face teams do not necessarily apply to virtual teams. We will share the concerns you face as a virtual team leader, roles and responsibilities to maintain team focus, and what your team members need from you in order to achieve effective performance.
Members will have an understanding why leaders need to be more structured and apply special insights and techniques to guide performance and work relationships with virtual teams.
Amy Buscher, Travel & Transport
Amy has been with Travel & Transport for 21 years and currently serves as Director of Operations overseeing daily responsbilities of multiple call centers including Omaha and the New England region. Amy has a passion for developing solutions that meet customer needs, solve problems and reduce costs. Amy's talents excel in leading virtual teams at Travel and Transport and today manages over 100 virtual customer service experts. Enhancing the customer experience is Amy's goal and providing the tools to every employee is essential in exceeding this goal.
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